Homeowners Association
Gilmer, TX
Photo of North Lake
About Our Community & HOA
Welcome to the Lakewood community! We take pride in making this a safe place for all our homeowners and hope you will feel like family once you get settled in.
Every homeowner in the Lakewood residential community must join the Lakewood Homeowners Association. However, we are not your typical HOA. Our fees are surprisingly low compared to other HOAs, and we prioritize people's rights to live and let live. However, we expect HOA members to respect their neighbors by keeping our community nice, eliminating trash and debris from yards, maintaining your home and property, and supporting the HOA's efforts to upkeep our shared spaces—the lakes, park, clubhouse, and pool. Find the HOA application on our documents page.
With membership in the HOA, homeowners receive:
Upkeep of all the shared spaces
Two private lakes & their shores - mowing, debris removal, dock maintenance, fish stocking
Park on West Lake - park equipment, mowing, grounds maintenance
Clubhouse - building maintenance, utilities
Pool - structural and decking maintenance, utilities, pool servicing
A Sports Pass, which allows access to all of the shared spaces*
Fishing and swimming in the lakes
Swimming in the pool
Discounted clubhouse rentals
*Members must be current on dues.
If they want to use shared spaces, renters must complete the Renter's Application form on the documents page, abide by the By-laws and CCRs, join the HOA, and pay dues. Once a Sports Pass is issued, renters may enjoy the same amenities as homeowners.
If any personal information changes after submitting your membership application, email to notify us.
Photos of North and West Lakes